![]() The Most Commonly Asked Questions About A Course in Miracles Chapter 4: JESUS
Again, this thoughtful question is based upon a linear view of time, in which two thousand years appear to be an inordinately long period of time for the error to be corrected. Clearly, the ones asking such a question are projecting onto Jesus their own impatience and, most likely, their unforgiveness of the various Christian Churches that have superimposed the ego thought system onto the ego-free teachings of the true Jesus. A more profound way of addressing this question is to consider that being ego-free, anyone in the real world -- as is Jesus -- does not really choose to do anything. Having chosen the Holy Spirit once and for all, there is nothing more to choose. Therefore, there is no longer a decision maker in the mind that activates the body and interacts with the world, as is the ego's very important need. Truly advanced teachers of God -- Teachers of teachers -- God do not do; they are. They do not plan, choose, deliberate, or behave as does a person who believes in the reality of the ego thought system. Their simple presence of love takes its shape around the needs of those who still identify with a world of form, much as water takes its shape according to the container in which it has been put, or the bed of the river shapes the flow of the water coursing through it. In this context, therefore, we can understand that the appearance of Jesus within the world's dream two thousand years ago was the result of the Son's readiness to experience the Love of God within his dream. It is as if the mind of the Son -- the only true sphere of experience there is -- partially opened the door of his mind that had screened out the presence of the Holy Spirit. The mind, previously darkened by guilt, thus allowed some light in, and this light took the form of Jesus, the Son of Light, whose presence within the ego's world of darkness reminds us all that we too are children of the Light. The fear that this light engendered -- for it constitutes a grave threat to the ego's thought system of darkness -- led to the Son's closing the door to protect his individual self, and this took the form of seeking to destroy Jesus and then his message, as the history of Christianity attests. This is why the gospel writers changed the entire message of Jesus and rooted it in the crucifixion, which reflected the ego's underlying plan to perpetuate its own thought system of betrayal, suffering, and death. Jesus comments on this dynamic in the Course in several places. We look at two such passages; one general to the dynamics of the Son's mind, and the other specific to Jesus himself. As the light comes nearer you will rush to darkness, shrinking from the truth, sometimes retreating to the lesser forms of fear and sometimes to stark terror (T- 1 8.111.2: 1).The reader should also consult "Atonement without Sacrifice" and "The Message of the Crucifixion," the opening sections of Chapters 3 and 6 in the text, for even more specific comments by Jesus about the misunderstanding of his message, and how and why it happened. And now, two thousand years later, we see that the door to the Son's closed mind opened again to allow in the light of truth, and the result is the original message of Jesus, presented in a contemporary twentieth (soon to be twenty-first) century form. Needless to say, there have been other expressions of this light in the Christian (and non-Christian) world, but, again, we shall remain only within the context of A Course in Miracles. The advantage of answering the question in this way is that one is able to avoid the anthropomorphizing of Jesus -- making him think, plan, and behave the way we would -- which would only once again foster the belief that we have captured him within the ego's dream, making him one of us, instead of our becoming like him. Above all, it is always essential to keep in mind that God has no true response to the thought of separation, even though, as we have already seen, the metaphoric language of A Course in Miracles often portrays it so. First and foremost, if God knew about the "tiny, mad idea," it would have had to be real. Therefore, the Holy Spirit and Jesus -- as messengers of God within the dream, and being the Voices of the plan of the Atonement which states that the dream of separation never happened -- would also have to share in this non-response to error. It is Their simple light-filled presence within our minds -- darkened by thoughts of sin, guilt, and fear -- that help us. They do nothing; it is only our egos that act and react. And as long as we experience this thought of separation in the specific forms of specialness that comprise our individual lives, we must experience this Help in specific forms as well. But these forms are determined by our ego scripts, not by any specific intervention of the divine.
Reproduced with the kind permission of Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick and the Foundation for A Course in Miracles
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