A Course in Miracles Chapter 2: THE NATURE OF THE SEPARATION
When the thought of separation seemed to occur, it was a single thought in a single split mind. As the thought process of separation proceeded, culminating in the making of the physical universe, this one thought appeared to divide into billions and billions of fragments. Each of these fragments contains all aspects of the original thought of separation. Therefore, each seeming fragment would experience all the effects from that illusory thought of separation, i.e., all the so-called laws of astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, etc., that are an inherent part of the making of the universe. Thus the one ego thought appears as many. This accounts for the paradox of people on the one hand sharing a common perception of the world, while on the other having very personal and individualized tastes, perceptions, and experiences. In the end, all seemingly separated minds are one -- one thought of separation -- yet each fragment appears to be separate, and believes itself to be unique and independent of the others.
Reproduced with the kind permission of Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick and the Foundation for A Course in Miracles