Bill had said
that a central point of the Course could be summed in the question: "Are
you willing to see your brother sinless?"
There is a story
about this which has often been repeated since it was first told by Judy
On one occasion
Judy experienced powerful feelings of rage which were focused on her friend
Dr. Jerry Jampolsky. In an effort to find some peace of mind she
called Bill Thetford and proceeded to describe for him all of what she
perceived to be Jerry's faults. Bill listened till Judy ran out of breath
and then he said quietly, "Judy, the Course can be summed up in in the
question, 'Are you willing to see your brother sinless?' "
"No!" Judy screamed.
"Well, dear," Bill replied, "when you are, you will feel much better."
And then he hung up.
ACIM Workbook Lesson 351
My sinless brother is my guide to peace.
My sinful brother is my guide to pain.
And which I choose to see I will behold.
Who is my brother but Your
holy Son? And if I see him sinful I proclaim myself a sinner, not
a Son of God; alone and friendless in a fearful world. Yet this perception
is a choice I make, and can relinquish. I can also see my brother
sinless, as Your holy Son. And with this choice I see my sinlessness,
my everlasting Comforter and Friend beside me, and my way secure and clear.
Choose, then, for me, my Father, through Your Voice. For He alone
gives judgment in Your Name.
Another story
about Bill concerns a time when members of an ACIM study group consulted
him about a heated, acrimonious disagreement they had been having over
certain passages in the Course. They wanted Bill to settle their
disagreement. Which interpretation was correct? How could they
solve this bitter conflict? Bill told them that he would suggest
tearing the controversial pages out of the Course and discarding them.
"Nothing," he said, "is worthy to be a cause of enmity between brothers."

I once sent some
information about the unpublished manuscripts to a person who had inquired
about them. He had learned about them from an Internet discussion
group about ACIM. In his reply to me, this ACIM student wrote as
"Actually, Joe,
I was a bit overwhelmed by the group. Although I find that both Students
and Teachers of the Course have their own ways of learning the same lessons,
which we all seem to come to in time, the politics and fighting is something
which has lessened for me over the years.
Having met most
of the principals involved with the Course, I'm finding that the
group denizens seem to be having a heated discussion over things I long
ago moved on from.
I remember one
afternoon having a discussion with Jerry Jampolsky about some such fine
point of the course and being determined to get my point out and to ask
why the Course was this way and not that. Jerry shrugged and told
me to go ask Bill. Bill was having a wonderful afternoon, actually,
and shared his joy and peace with me and I forgot all about the point which
was so important to me.
* I could see
Peace instead of this. *
So, while I am
sure that the questions and fine points of the group discussion are serving
a useful purpose, the group is not for me at the present, and I no longer
visit it.